Image: wikipedia- by Nick81aku |
If you were to visit
Indianapolis with fossils on your mind, you’d likely find yourself at the
Children’s Museum (and I will get to that in another post); but there is
another museum in the city that you should not miss.
The collection
itself dates back to the American Civil War, and for a short time it was housed
in the state capital, before growing and changing locations a number of times
until it found a home in its new, state of the art building in 2002.
The building
itself is in the White River State Park in downtown Indianapolis, and is
located near the Indianapolis Zoo, White River Gardens and the Eiteljorg Museum
of American Indians and Western Art.
I had been in
contact with the museum before I arrived and showed up and met the newly
appointed Director of Communication, Hannah Keifer. She had a surprise for us,
our own chaperon for the paleo side of the museum, the curator of palaeontology
Ronald L. Richards, who was a total delight and a gentleman.
Our first stop
was visiting the under construction displays of the Ice Age and Prehistoric
Native America, and though there is still a few months of work to be done, the exhibition
is already looking great and will be a real highlight of any visit.
Though no
dinosaurs have been found in the state, there is a wealth of Ice Age animals,
especially mastodons. This gallery will be fantastic and many of the specimens
are already in place. It is like an Ice Age Greatest Hits with giant bison,
smilodon, Short Face Bears, peccaries, rhinos, giant sloths and of course a
number of locally found mastodons.
The star of the museum
will be Fred the Mastodon, and how do I know Fred the Mastodon will be the star
you ask? Because good ol’ Fred has his own twitter account (@FredIndiana).
The specimen went through a very unusual (but
clever) way of fundraising the new renovations by selling off Fred’s bones. People
could purchase (sponsor) a bone from $20, or the skull for $20,000, and the money
raised went to building the display.
Much like Sue
the T.rex, Fred’s organically wrought
iron frame has been intricately designed, so I am looking forward to seeing
images when the mastodon is finally put back together.
Ron showed us Fred,
who partly was under wraps (literally) and partly dissembled on tables all
about the room, and he pointed out some pathologies on the side of the skull. I
also noted that, unlike almost all dinosaur skeletons you see mounted, between
the vertebra of Fred were large disks of cartilage, meaning once rebuilt it
will be one of the most life-like mounts you will see.
Rarely do you
get the opportunity to get this close to such a specimen….so I took it.
One of the completed
displays we got a peek at was a life-size mammoth that had fallen into a frozen
pond and is struggling to escape. Apparently, this was a necessary rebuild of
an older display as the original version made the mammoth look like it was
sitting in a jacuzzi, and was a source of great mirth with visitors.
The mural behind
is first class, and hidden throughout the wild-scape are a number of other
critters that the eagle-eyed amongst you may spot.
The museum will
also display the Hebior Mammoth, a rarity as this specimen was unearthed with
clear signs of being butchered by Paleo-Indians. I assume this is a cast as I
am pretty sure the original is at the Milwaukee Public Museum – which I will
cover in a later article…
…and the hits
kept coming. Ron showed us through another section of the display and revealed a
new cave system that has been built for visitors to walk through.
The quality of
this display is extraordinarily high, and so exact that the builders actually
took molds of the original cave, so the build is an exact replica. The fossils
that the crew from the museum had found while working this geological formation
are to be placed in the exact location where they were unearthed - and most of
these were already there for you to peer at through fissures in the rock.
Ron recounted he
had worked these caves with a good friend who had died, so he was taking real pride
and joy building these displays as close to the original location as he could. This
effort shines through and is important for another reason. Sadly, part of the
cave is gone now as it sits under one of the states highways, yet here, in the Indiana
State Museum, it’s been recreated for all too see.
Leaving these
caves, you enter a tunnel running through a glacier, representing the Ice that
once stood over the state, and standing about this are the creatures they have evidence
that once lived there, such as musk ox, and its accurate down the plants.
As I mentioned, though
there have never been any dinosaurs found in the state, Indiana has a rich
fossil history, and the next section Ron led us to was the Palaeozoic. 
Soaring above
and surrounding the display of crinoids, corals, amphibian trackways, ferns and
Lepidodendron trunks are columns and
walls cut from the very rocks that make up the region, creating one of the more
interesting geological displays I have seen.
As this museum
has several floors, it is possible to get above this display and look down on how
stones like these were mined and moved, and its this sort of clever use of
space that I really enjoy. Why use a exhibition for one educational purpose
when it can represent a number of ideas and facts.
Swimming above
your head as you walk between these geological columns are some of the life-size
monsters that once populated Indiana’s ancient seas. A clawed Eurypterids is
diving, while behind an enormous nautoloid, maybe 10ft long, is jetting around
the corner into the display. As you come around
one corner is the largest predator of the Devonian seas, Dunkleosteus, built into one of the more ingenious displays I have
seen in any museum. The metal structure that holds the considerable skull in
place has been bent and forged into the body of the placoderm, giving an
effective idea of the animal’s size and body shape when alive.
With the museum
mostly covered, Ron still had something special for us. On the top floor is a
long corridor that leads from the museum to the office and storage area of the collection.
Here our ‘guide’ showed us some of the specimens being stored until they can go
into the new displays, as well as the work areas for processing new specimens.

The Museum runs its own digs and spends time sorting through the fossil material and dirt brought back from various locations throughout the state. This includes the art work that has been produced for the exhibit, including some wonderful pieces from famous paleo artists such as Karen Carr.
The Museum runs its own digs and spends time sorting through the fossil material and dirt brought back from various locations throughout the state. This includes the art work that has been produced for the exhibit, including some wonderful pieces from famous paleo artists such as Karen Carr.
Checking up on
Karen’s website, it notes that the “Indiana
Teleoceras mural gave Karen two new opportunities: First, she was able to visit
the actual site depicted in the mural. When researching dinosaurs, almost
nothing of the original environment remains other than as strata; the
depression that created this small pond was still visible when Karen visited.
Karen has since worked on several projects allowing her to see and explore the
environments she depicts.”
Room after room we
got to see some spectacular specimens, some for display, others that have been
taken out and stored for future use.
This includes
one of the most handsome skulls I have seen anywhere. The colour is
spectacular, and what I took to be possible marks from where plant roots had grown
through the dirt and covered the fossil Ron suggested were more likely the stains
from different minerals that filtered through the earth.
One of my
favourite specimens here (that I believe will be heading back out soon) is a
complete Dire Wolf skeleton. What’s unusual about this specimen is that at some
point the rear left leg had been dislocated, and the wear on the hip bone shows
it was an old injury, meaning the predator must have been in pain for some time
before its death.
The museum also
has a large archaeological collection, and amongst the small, hand crafted clay
figurines lay some remarkable fossil bear teeth that had been modified by
paleo-indians that Ron proudly showed off - and rightly so as they are stunning.
We thanked Ron
for being so generous with his time, and I ducked away to check out the rest of
the museum. There is a second geology/earth/universe display (Birth of the
Earth), containing ancient specimens such as tiger iron from Western Australia
and a 3D global screen of the Moon.
Next was a
recently renovated and opened display about the states modern wildlife. These
were exceptionally well crafted, and I was surprised to see that among all
this, there was a single animatronic (or perhaps some sort of solar powered
display) of a small butterfly that flapped its wings as it sat high on a fallen
tree. A nice little feature that most would likely miss unless you were looking
In these you
will find exhibits about the nation’s 19th state, local industries,
politics and heritage; local artists and what it means to be a Hoosier, if I Hooiser
you may be. There is also an IMAX cinema attached to the building and, at the
time, a crazy little exhibit on Star Wars masks that had been modified by artists.
I liked the museum a lot, and will hopefully
get back there when the new display is finished, and I can see the final product.
The Indiana
State Museum is located at 650 W. Washington Street in Indianapolis. Exhibition
gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. on Sunday. The first Tuesday of each month (Community Tuesdays) admission
is half price. Auxiliary aids and services are available with advance notice.
For more information, call the museum at 317.232.1637.
It has
underground parking, which it shares with other nearby institutions. This means
you can walk straight into the museum and duck rain or chilly days.